Part 2: Go On A Picnic

Written by Sierra Duncan

Go On A Picnic

Hello fellow couples, picnics are actually a great way to sit with your partner and spend quality time with them. It’s how you design your picnic that really counts. Being at a pond or lake can be very relaxing for you and your companion. You guys can share personal experiences and bond together as one. Finding the right park to hold your picnic isn’t hard either.

Some personal items I would bring to a picnic is a blanket, basket, sandwiches (my favorite is honey glazed turkey with honey mustard and lettuce; try it), fruits ( I prefer strawberries, mangoes, grapes, raspberries, blue berries)  utensils, board games ( I love Connect Four, Uno, Spit An Trash) music, speaker, umbrella etc. Hopefully these items also help you to make your picnic as best as it can be. Make sure you to bring a camera to capture your moments.


Image result for colored couple at a picnic

Image result for connect 4





Check out Prospect Park

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